Racso Fuel & Fleet solutions

Racso is a major provider of Fuel delivery service and Fleet management systems in Mauritius. We provide tailor-made services, tracking every drop of fuel consumed and metres travelled by your fleet. Our solutions have been adopted by both small and large fleets all around the island.  Whether you have one vehicle or 1000, we have the solutions to suit your needs.

Our services include:

Diesel Delivery

Fueling your vehicles and heavy equipment can be a challenge, not to mention expensive and time-consuming. To better avoid any downtime or unexpected costs, we offer reliable diesel delivery services, keeping your equipment moving on schedule.

Fuel Monitoring

We provide accurate fuel monitoring and control systems to cut operating costs and increase efficiency.  Monitoring and managing fuel effectively are essential to get an edge on your competition.

GPS Tracking

Our GPS Tracking system allows you to improve your fleet performance. The system is designed to collect live data about your vehicles which can be accessed anytime.  Our gadgets can provide your fleet data on fuel use and idling to ultimately help your business meet fuel efficiency goals.

On-Board Terminals (GPS Tracking Devices)

RACSO has the latest high technology on-board terminals with feature-rich solutions to give you full control of your fleet.  Our on-board terminals are connected to a range of sensors and to an on-board computer. This data is then read and transmitted to the fleet management system.